Twin 90mm SolarMax II with Rich-View Tuning & BF30
- mounted on a William Optics Megrez FD-90.
Two SolarMax II 90mm external Etalons with Rich-View Tuning (if I recall, they generally don't recommend having two with the tuning, as it's an extra variable in the lightpath to tune...).
The etalons mount to the aluminum tube via the stadard adaptor (AP190). The aluminum slides over the FD-90s dewshield. Felt-tape provides a snug marring-free fit. A Losmandy dovetail is mounted to the aluminum tubing; the dovetail is hex-screwed to the FD-90s Vixen Dovetail. Removing the etalons for visual observing is done by removing the two screws to the Vixen dovetail and sliding off the etalon/tubing/lostmandy-dovetail unit.